You have chosen the Wheel of Fortune and the 9 of Wands. Perhaps you're feeling let down when you least expected it. Perhaps you're doing too much of one thing and going overboard far too much. You've bitten off more than you can chew, particularly to do with a job. You've over-estimated your own abilities and you're now in trouble. Maybe you've made promises that you can't keep but you won't give in. The 9 of wands is telling us you're trying to defend yourself without success. Things are becoming a problem. You're doing far too much, working too hard, you're physically worn out but you're too stubborn to realise this and you won't surrender. You're after all only protecting what you feel is yours but you're physically worn out now and it's becoming too much. Physical illness is due if you're not careful. You must take time out. You're hanging onto something but you're trying to protect what has already got out of hand and there's no use exhausting yourself, battering along and trying to continue saying 'you must, you must, who else is going to do it'. Sometimes it's necessary to realise that it's bigger to let go of something than it is to continue until you're kicked or pushed. You must let go with dignity and defend yourself by saying I got this one wrong for the Wheel of Fortune is a card that turns in your favour. It is a lucky card allowing you to expand and go for opportunities with goodwill. You must deal with contentment and growth as if it's energy and put that energy to good use rather than battling on with something that is no longer viable or past its sell-by date. It's about now being in the right place at the right time. You will create your own luck the more you believe you can do: your hopes and dreams and desires the more you will. Luck is about somebody who thinks the maximum and works hard towards it. They are prepared without guarantee to invest in the present for the future. That takes willpower, guts, determination, all the things you have got but you've wasted too much on one project so give up and put that energy into something so much more productive than this, particularly if it is linked with your career.