You have chosen the World and the Knight of Pentacles. The World is a card that helps us prepare for future events. That's because it works with the Planet Saturn which is about order and limitations in our life for the World is a really lovely card for it's about the ultimate success and the achievement of our own personal goals and ambitions. They are everlasting. Things that go on. Things that we're remembered for. It's about expanding more than you thought possible and the achievement of going on. Now this is linked up to your working life and because it is the Wand family that works extremely hard you have mastered these skills and moved on, for you are now Knight of Pentacles and able to fulfil more ambition. You have elevated yourself to a place that you know is solid. You have your feet firmly planted on the ground and you take your time. You know when you're ready. You are someone that works extremely hard towards a goal but you realise that you have to do this slowly for there is so much to learn. You're happy to go with traditional routes and seeing is believing for you. You are quite rooted and earthbound and you realise that possessions and monetary gain is majorly important. You will be someone who has major finance on their side. You are prepared to work as slowly and carefully as is needed for you realise the acquisition of permanent and stable, material structures are necessary. You will take time to formulate your goals and find direction. You will not be pushed or hurried regardless of what other people think, for you know that something long lasting will make a contribution that's probably based on traditional values which have been tested by experienced.