You have chosen the Tower and the 5 of Pentacles. Things have happened very suddenly and feel very negative. This has been a very unsettling time. The sudden intervention has probably uprooted your foundations particularly when it comes to matters of money for the 5 of Pentacles shows that there has been a serious loss in your earnings. This could be to do with redundancy or unemployment. You're feeling frightened, left out in the cold and destitute. This poor me attitude is making you feel that you are abandoned and that you are worried that your health will suffer due to the circumstances you find yourself in but you must look at why this has happened and that it is a clean slate to start again. Up to now you've been looking in the wrong direction. The material gains that you've had in life have been frittered away. You are about to find out who your true friends really are. You'll be gaining much more friendship and help than you would ever have imagined. It's possible that it will come from a source that surprises you and you will find that those that you felt would not abandon you are nowhere to be seen. It's time to tidy up all your money matters. You've got to work out where you stand financially. Work out your bills and final demands and balance your books. You've got to keep a record of everything. The more detailed and dutiful you are the better you will fare. It's time to use your personality. It's time to put yourself before others and yes you've been hard done by but there's more out there that are perhaps less fortunate than you are. It's about finding another string to your bow and working out which direction you want to go in. Perhaps you've been living on credit far too much in the past; it's time to get yourself sorted out. It's time to put your thinking cap on and come up with unique and novel ways of earning your finances and increasing your income. The more original you are the better and maybe seek some professional advice or help but you will fare through this. It's about realising you were looking in the wrong place and being far too materialistic in the beginning and frittering money away. This is one of those occasions where you should have thought about a rainy day. However, it is time to be as humble as possible and rely on your friendships with other people to get you by until you reinvent ways in which you earn your money, taking a very close look at your present circumstances and realising something had to change to make you more aware of how you genuinely conduct your finances.