The Tower and The Eight of Wands
You have chosen the Tower and the 8 of Wands.The Tower is an unsettling card; it means there are sudden happenings. Your foundations have been uprooted. Everything that you've had knowledge and beliefs in has changed. This is to do with work or your career. It has been an unsettling time for you. You're being challenged about the foundations of your career. Maybe you did not go about building things on solid ground or maybe you looked in the wrong place. Things have happened suddenly to make you change. It has caused you to feel the experience of conflict. Maybe you've been feeling out of your depth for some time and out of fear you've rejected talking about it but this whole accumulation of what's been going on in your life, matters of work have caused you now to make some action. People around you have been satisfied by nothing less than first prize and therefore you've suffered inhibitions of having to be competitive which has been a frightening or humiliating experience. You have felt the envy of others around you if you were to win. But you had to assert your individual capabilities and it has probably left you feeling frustrated, angry and envious. You've gone with your ideals and your sensitivity towards others has given you a realistic acceptance of your own human limits and so all change. It usually means that everything that your beliefs and knowledge was based on has been blasted. This has made a massive effect upon your life where your working life will never be the same again. You'll now realise that out of the bad has come plenty of good. You've been stripped of all the illusions or delusions if you like that you had about your career and you're being more honest about your own needs.
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