You have chosen the moon and the 4 of Wands. The moon is a card that deals will illusions and delusions where we are feeling that things are buried. It's to do with our emotions and it works with the star sign Pisces which deals with restrictions, secrets and limitations. It's a water sign. You're feeling all over the place. you're deceiving yourself. You have no clarity. This is because you're sticking your head in the sand and day dreaming your way out of hiding from your emotions. This is because you keep feeling sad and confused but it's time to reflect and to look at why you're feeling so moody and so manic. you're hiding from your motives, depressed, feeling that you're covering up from who you are. Its because you're afraid from looking at your emotions. you're being asked to look at the material security in your world and to look at your home environment. The environment around you is vital. This is a positive change. If you could move around and get away from the dwelling in which you're living you will feel better. If you are able to invest in a property or a dwelling it would be good. If that is not possible you need to invest some change in the appearance of how things are for it is the environment in which you're in that's causing you to feel out of sorts. Perhaps you're unhappy with the atmosphere around you or many it's simply a case of tidying things up and making things look pretty and doing some DIY and some decoration. If it's a case that you realise that it's where you're living that's making you feel like this it's time to change and it may be difficult and lots of hard work but it will be worth it for at the moment you are not feeling that you are working in the best capacity for yourself. You know that you're feeling unhealthy and that the illusions and delusions around you are to do with the muddles and mix ups that take place in your world. The environment around you needs to change slightly and only you can do that.