You have chosen the Magician and the Two of Pentacles. The Two of Pentacles tells us that you are finding it tough financially. You are juggling your finances around, struggling and trying to cope. Possibly you have more than one job or you are certainly robbing Peter to pay Paul. You're walking a very thin line. There is the offer of a new job available to you that will certainly sort things out for you. There's the possibility of an internal transfer going on at work which would be much better for you and the Magician is here to make sure you make the most of your finances for the Magician is asking you to look at how you communicate with others for the Magician is the card of achievement and willpower. It's about manifesting your goals and achieving them - getting the maximum success and the ultimate rewards for your work. The Magician works with the Planet Mercury and this deals with how your mind is working. It's about how you think and view reality. It's how you operate your speech and communication to others particularly here in work matters for the Two of Pentacles is talking about where you earn your living. You have a very practical, matter of fact frame of mind and this is the path to success for you. It's time to write some letters, make phone calls, or arrange any meetings. You've got to try to be with like-minded folk. Your communications are vital to your personal success so you must promote yourself and further your cause. Look at the whole package of communication - it's not just verbal language. People really do pick up on your thoughts, your feelings and your body language. It's about the emotional atmosphere that you create and the things that you say about yourself by the clothes you wear, your accent, cars you drive and possibly the make up that you wear. You are telling someone about yourself in ways that translate who you are to another person so its time to embark upon maximum success for you have all the tools on the table. You have the knowledge, the experience and the expertise - you are lucky enough to be sensible and have the charisma that it takes, so do make the most of this wonderful chance to make the most of your finances.