You have chosen Hermit and the 2 of Pentacles. You are thinking back to the past. It is an important time. You are mourning what you had and remembering, trying to reclaim the past is one thing. Perhaps you feel that you're alone but indeed you're not. You're someone who is totally in tune with what is necessary to make action for this financial problem you're having. You're wise and experienced; it is that that will help you with your finances. The 2 of Pentacles shows that you are juggling and that you are robbing Peter to pay Paul. Perhaps you have to walk a very thin line and juggle maybe two part times jobs in order to make things balance. You are someone who has the resources within themselves to sort these matters out and you have been tested to see how practical, confident and thrifty you can be. This is simply a hiccup. You are going to learn a lot about yourself even though you feel that you're under pressure, you know that you can sort this out. What is the lesson to learn here? Did you overspend? Did you not plan for the future or was it simply just a hiccup which you can now put right and make sure that you do not feel that your material security is going to be threatened once more. You know that you have a practical and matter of fact frame of mind and you're able to view life from a very sensible viewpoint. With your feet firmly on the ground you need to think about increasing your sense of security. Perhaps you've been a little bit of a butterfly flitting from one thing to another. Your focus must be completely on your material security. It is time to look inside yourself and not really make a mountain out of a molehill. Just some careful thought and tuition and weigh up the pros and cons. You're being asked to make an important decision. You will realise that money is uppermost. This is all about paying lots of attention to detail. The more dutiful and diligent you are the better you'll fare. You must show those around you how responsible and reliable you can be and take your duties and obligations seriously. In that time you'll be able to review your material world and to work out why you think it is that you are facing this lesson right now.