The Hermit and The Eight of Wands
You have chosen Hermit and the 8 of Wands. The Hermit is a working card. It's to do with all things positive and things that are happening quickly. There's good news on its way to you, travelling very fast. This will arrive within a time offer of about 8 weeks. It's a very positive time. Anything connects your actions towards the adventure and the comings and goings of being outdoors would be excellent. Travel is excellent. This movement towards your enthusiasm helps you be physically creative where you work best. Your strengths are ordering and making sure that your world runs like clockwork so you're brilliant when it comes to being of service to others for you're dutiful and professional. The Hermit is a card of the past and is asking you to look at some important issues. You need the privacy and the freedom to explore where you are right now. You work best when you look back to the past, remember how you got here and realise that you have the experience and the knowledge and wisdom to move forwards. This is an excellent time for you're showing how practical you can be. If your job involves being of service and helping other people things will go really well for you. Things are good when it comes to communication so make sure that any matters are dealt with but you must look inside yourself for the answers for you need some time and space to actually appreciate where you are right now. Any problems you have are always resumed by you re-establishing your control through logical analysis and your preoccupation with detail needs privacy for you to think it through. You'll need to utilise the time that you have in the most efficient of ways so this is a time to think things through and then to be active and put your energies and efforts into the order of your project. You've got a variety of skills and talents which won't go to waste. In fact within two months time you'll know that your working world is really set to take off.
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