You have chosen the Hanged Man and the 2 of Pentacles. Things have been tough financially. You're robbing Peter to pay Paul. You're always struggling with finances. This may have led to you having to do more than one job. Perhaps there are two part time jobs. You know that you're walking a very thin line. There may be offers of an internal transfer where you're already working or a complete new job opportunity coming your way. However, that still will not help the financial crisis that you keep volunteering to put yourself into. You must stop and really take hold of your finances. You see things differently to other people. Whenever you've got money in your hand you tend to think it is yours instead of you owe the people concerned a certain amount of your hard earned cash and in actual fact the money belongs to them but because you have control you choose to see things totally differently and spend the money to make yourself feel that you're in control of what you are doing with your very hard earned cash. This must change for the Hanged Man shows that you do nothing to help yourself and yet you work extremely hard but if you stop day dreaming and hoping, for something that's not going to happen such as being whisked off your feet and given a life of luxury then you wouldn't have to work so hard because your spending needs to be put back into control. By looking at things differently you can see that once you have paid your bills and you've worked out the amount left to spend you must make a choice as to where you would like that money to go. Stop thinking about credit cards, borrowing, loans or anything like that, it is time to get both feet on the ground and start to see things for the reality they really are for your situation really does need for you to stop, think about things, and take control of your finances. You certainly would not have to work as hard as you do if you could control your spending. Everyone makes mistakes, particularly when it comes to cash and we're no exception but now is the time for you to learn from your own errors and put them in perspective. Hopefully the hardships you've endured in the past will teach you the true value of material things. It's time to stop feeling that you're a martyr or that you're powerless to change. You can improve this difficult situation and circumstances but you have to look at everything and see if there's a little addiction going on. Whether it's to shopping, spending, alcholol, drugs or even the fact that you feel that you're a victim. you've got to stop this negative cycle. Once you stop viewing life through rose coloured glasses you will be able to investigate ways of making more money. It's about reassessing your values and realising that you have full control of everything you do.