You have chosen the fool and the four of pentacles. The fool is telling you are about to embark on a journey of something new. This is the start of things not being the same for you anymore. This is because the fool works in conjunction with the planet Uranus which deals in confusion and changes. This is to do with your financial security for the four of pentacles is to do with your financial possessions you are being asked to look at your finances it is time to take drastic action, you must let money dictate exactly what you do. You have not been careful with money in the past and it is time now, to look after what you have, and to thinks of tactics strategies plans and goals as to how you're going to bring some sort of financial security into your life. Money must be your god from now on. You have to work out how to save and even invest. You have got to look after the money instead of the money looking after you. Maybe you feel that this is distasteful and that you are not the miserly type but this is just your insecure person for nobody but you can sort this out. The fool is telling you through the power of ideas you can break free, and have much greater freedom through a broader perspective of life. Perhaps you are scared of the disruption it will cause, but that is simply you suppressing the problem. You must look with honesty and clarity at where you are going. You must be conscious of what you are spending and where your money is going you need to have the entire concept held in your mind and that way see how necessary it is to manage this. You are gifted with many different talents, so why should this be any different you must look beyond the need to hoard objects, belongings, and anything that costs you more than you can afford. Do not feel that you're being self obsessed and stop being fearful you're able to understand that this must be the great turning point and that you can indeed change things and make things happen. Have an idea of the finished product in your mind and work logically through it, it's just that you need to be a little more conscious as to how you are acting with conscious effort being put in. You may be forced to take some drastic action, if you take matters into your own hands now you can indeed make a huge difference.