You have chosen the Devil and the 2 of Pentacles. The 2 of Pentacles shows you are juggling finances. You are struggling. Perhaps you have having to do two part time jobs just to make ends meet. You find yourself robbing Peter to pay Paul and that you are walking a tightrope. This is because you are always tempted to spend more than comes in. you are preoccupied with status and reputation and are quite materialistic. Some would see you as living well beyond your means and even a little bit greedy. Perhaps there is a slight addiction to make yourself feel better by overspending, but you know that if you play with fire you'll get your fingers burned. It is a time to try to take control and realise that your reputation would be much better off by being more humble and living within your means. It is time to let go of the emotional bondage you have put yourself in, which is to do with the financial situation that does not work for you at this moment in time. You must scrutinise every account and bill and go through things with a fine toothed comb to see exactly where your money is going and to add up what is coming in and to realise that if you do not control things now, matters will get out of hand and your influences will not be able to cope. It is time now to take control and to realise that everybody is tempted by something. In your case you get a buzz from spending but it's time to realise that the buzz is short lived and does not supply you with the comfort and security you are craving. Once you have made a list of everything you need to do, look at your life and see the humble, simple things in life that are free and start to stimulate yourself with things that mean something, rather than just acquiring possessions and material attributes which leave you feeling empty after the buzz has worn off. You have the strength to sort this out and yes you have been coping but wouldn't it be nice to feel that you are influencing and controlling exactly what is coming and going in your financial life instead of feeling that it is controlling you? You are a practical person and you are full of common sense, and once you realise exactly where you are going wrong it is simply a matter of self discipline and diligence that will put this matter right. You know you can do this. You just have to want to change.