You have chosen the Devil and the 9 of Wands. The 9 of Wands shows that you are trying to work far too hard and you are defending your profession without success. Things are becoming a problem for you at work. You are doing far too much. This is making you physically worn out but you are so stubborn you will not surrender. You know you're fighting a losing battle here. Stop trying to protect what you feel is yours. You're going too far and you're trying to hang on to protect what's already got out of hand. This is just making you feel exhausted. This is to do with the link of the Devil card. It is about the physical and materialistic side of life. Perhaps it's your greed that keeps you working so hard; you feel the need to go on, and on, and on to prove yourself. To whom? The Devil card is linked to the star sign Capricorn, which is to do with our destiny, our status and our reputation. Perhaps this is why you continue to push so hard. You are always tempted to do far too much, to work far too hard. You put yourself in emotional bondage, making sure that your addiction keeps you there. You must look at why you need to work this hard. The materialistic side of life is probably your first answer. You have to pay for it but what if you look at things differently. The Devil card is about emotional bondage. It's about self limitations that you have put on to yourself sometimes. The things that hold us back and the way in which we blame the wrong things for our own lack of determination and success. Are these barriers real or are they self-created sabotage? Perhaps you feel guilty if you don't work this hard. As soon as you have some fun you punish yourself with working so hard that you're at the point of physical illness: you need to look more closely at your life and see some of the chains that enslave you to what you're doing are quite loose, which literally means you've put them on by choice. The Devil works on the basis of guilt, and guilt is a useless emotion that serves no purpose. You need to confront your own negativity and look at yourself more positively. Go and have some fun, go and enjoy the simple things in life. You need to be more constructive with your life and learn to appreciate life to the full. This will give you the drive to go beyond any limitations.