You have chosen the Chariot and the 3 of Cups.The Chariot is a card that deals with the transport in our life and the things that happen on the ground so it's to do with road transport. It is about the comings and goings in life and it shows that your spiritual side is moving in a very positive direction right now. This is a time of new contracts and directions. The Chariot links up with the star sign Cancer and it deals with your home life and the sensitivity you have around you. It's a water sign and it's about providing yourself with a base and environment that you feel is comfortable. The Chariot is about the willpower you have to manifest your goals so it's the sheer determination between the mental strength and the physical action that brings your plans to fruition but you need to keep going through sheer willpower you will make it happen so when it links to your home it shows that you are succeeding. You're providing a base that is comfortable, warm and inviting. The 3 of cups shows that you are someone that enjoys celebrating with close people around you, and your home is important to you. This is a time for celebration and joy, for the 3 of cups shows there is a gathering of intimacy. Close friends and family are celebrating. They are toasting a birth, engagement, wedding or christening so it shows the celebration. This may even be to do with the passing of exams, even a driving test or a reunion with close buddies. People that maybe you've lost contact with. Everyone is having a wonderful time, celebrating the fact that they are enjoying being part of the human race and close in their enjoyment and their sharing of emotion and joy.