You have chosen the Chariot and the 6 of wands.The Chariot deals with your home life and the sensitivity towards your work colleagues. This is because you have the 6 of wands which shows that you are in a victory and that everything is turning out to be a success. There is more good news coming, you've achieved multiple successes and if you've applied for a post of application then you are surely looking to do very well. If it is linked with promotion and you are able to move up the ladder of success for you have been hard working, diligent and dutiful and you have been noticed by those that count. The Chariot is a card of things that happen on the ground. It is to do with the comings and goings of life and showing that your spiritual side is moving in a positive direction. This opens up new contacts and directions for you taking you to places that you would never have dreamed of. It is a very favourable time to do with your work. If you are thinking of further education, such as the passing of exams, diplomas or degrees, this is an excellent time for it shows that you're full of energy, drive, determination and hard work. The Chariot explores the sensitive side of your nature. It is a water sign, and water signs accommodate and make way for other people allowing others to take a smooth passage through difficult situations. This intuitive side of your nature, where you are using your gut feeling and your instinct, is developing further and further by using your integrity and being empathetic to those around you, particularly in the work place. You're becoming very professional, reliable and showing skills that others can often lack, such as your skills in diplomacy, and your ability to negotiate obstacles without fuss or setback because you use your common sense in a calm way that means that progress always comes out. A valuable lesson is usually received, as knowledge and experience is so useful to you in your business.