Justice and The Queen of Wands
You have chose Justice and the Queen of Wands. Justice is a card that deals with relationships and partnerships. In your case attached to work matters or career. for Justice works closely with the star sign Libra. This is to do with liberation and ideology. you're looking for law and order within life right now and you're looking for balance. You want work and home to be exactly as you'd like them for having harmony and balance helps you clear your mind which means you do your very best at work. There maybe matters going on around you that need resolving. Some muddles or misunderstandings or as far as to say there's been an altercation. What is just may not necessarily be fair so you must remember this when it comes to the outcome. For equality is not really something we can manipulate. It needs to be fair and in harmony and the balance that is right for everybody. you're doing quite well when it comes to matters of career for you are someone who has a lot of energy. You take action and you love an adventure. The more your doing different things the happier and more stimulated you feel. You're a great outdoors kind of person and anything that helps you be creative and skilful is excellent. Gardening and sports would be a very good hobby for you if it is not indeed your career. The more you can move about and travel the better for you. Your enthusiasm means that you have a creative streak and your love of the outdoors means that you're quite adventurous. you're very outgoing. you've got a lot of confidence but you are someone who is loving and caring and you're kind and trusting towards other human beings and particularly nature. you've got to be as enterprising as you can with everything around you. you're particularly good when it comes to animals. To combine all these skills would be to have a very satisfying life as long as you feel that you are centre of attention and that you are getting the rewards of other people's attention for your hard worked efforts. you're quite happy as long as you feel there is an admiring audience appreciating your efforts you are fulfilled.
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