You have chosen the Death card and the 5 of Cups. The Death card never shows a Death of the future or a Death of the physical self. It's just the Death of an old self, a part of you that's changing, a habit that you're getting rid of. It's a card of very big changes and life changing events. It's time for a total transformation. It links to the star sign Scorpio. The 5 of Cups describes your emotions and shows that you're feeling a little disappointment right now. It's as if you've experienced a partial loss. you're mourning the loss of a relationship. you're being asked to look around the corner for there is more emotional happiness to come but these feelings of being let down have made you feel that things don't quite live up to your expectations and so you're feeling apathy. you're feeling bored, negative, and too easy to fall into the trap of boredom. This also could encourage to drink to excess for the 5 of Cups linked with the Death card shows that alcohol could be a crutch. It could even be something else and this is what the Death card is telling you - get rid of habits that are no longer any good for you. It's time for transformation and if you're honest with yourself you know this has been necessary for some time. It really is time to cut your losses, clear the decks and start again. You know this is necessary, don't cling to the past, it's full of problems, you're being given a chance now to move on through painful and difficult times and to chose what you want to come into your world by making it happen. It shows that you're really ready for transformation but your emotions just need to catch up. Perhaps it's all to do with the powerful emotions you've been feeling inside, they need an outlet. You need to be able to deal with the past so that you can move on to the future.