You have chosen the death card and the 8 of cups. Please do not be alarmed. The death card never shows a death of the future or a physical death. It is meaning that there is a death of an old self, a part of you or a habit of lifestyle within you is changing. Indeed this is a time of very big changes, of life changing events and transformations going on in your whole life. This relates to the fact that you've moved on through experience and now is a time for you. You're leaving behind a huge emotional gap within your life and abandoning your life as you knew it. You've chosen to walk away and you're leaving behind the old and bringing in the new. Within a month new things are happening to you. You've worked very hard and you've chosen to leave behind those that you love and care about but realise that the fulfilment of time that something new and bigger is about to happen to you. You are showing your bravery by letting go and empowered by embracing the future. It was a time to change, to cut your losses and start again. You know that this was necessary and it was not viable to cling to the past with all it'' problems, you needed to deal with the present and to look forward to the future. You've had to take some drastic action, particularly on the home front, you are going through a total transformation of your life. You are going to emerge as someone who is strong, courageous and wise. You had to take mattes in hand before they became out of control and it is now all about change and growth. You've made some major alterations in your one to one affairs and you've reached a new understanding with yourself. It is time for lots of changes and that includes some intense and emotional emotions but you've taken a good look at your life, spotted the problems and decided to fix something by making a stand, walking away and being a little more independent with yourself and your focus in life.