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Who Am I? - Gilly

3rd March 2018

Gilly is available from 4pm today  

"All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and entrances, and one man plays many parts"  William Shakespeare.

‘Who am I’ I’ve often ask myself this question. Am I really the person I think I am? I don’t think anyone can straightforwardly answer that question. In life, the survival instinct is significant and kicks in early in the formative years when life experience and conditioning begins to have an emotional effect.  I’m certainly not perfect, I’m aware of my shadow side, otherwise, what is the purpose of being here on planet earth; we’re all here for a purpose to grow and to spiritually evolve. I still have lessons to learn and this may take many incarnations.  I have a strong sense that with all of my faults I’m basically a good person who has flaws. Others consider me to be a wise, caring person. There are facets to my personality that I’m aware of and irritate me and must surely irritate others, but, doesn’t that make me human?

Gilly  Pin No 500835

"I'm a Psychic Tarot Consultant and Spiritual Counsellor (Dip.I.R.C.couns.).Having experienced many challenges in my personal life I feel that were it not for those personal experiences, I would not have the sensitivity, nor the empathy, to understand the personal needs of others seeking guidance. My aim is to give reassurance to those who are facing a particular problem or difficulties and are seeking guidance; to enlighten and initiate change and a renewal of perspective. I have a down to earth, direct approach on the spiritual, material and emotional level. Over the last forty-years, many people have crossed my path seeking help and guidance. From 1983 until 2015 I was a consultant member of the British Astrological and Psychic Society, (BAPS). I use the Tarot cards as a focal point"



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