Guest Speaker

What's In A Dream?

What do your dreams mean, you can discover things about yourself such as what your brain or spirit is trying to tell you or what you really want in life,

It can also tell you what you are afraid of and what you truly desire the meaning of your dreams is really what you interpret it to be,

The idea is that by certain combinations of elements in a dream we can learn things about ourselves as a example water can be related to feeling overwhelmed and vehicles tend to mean you are worried about the direction, often spirit slip into your dreams to deliver a message and we can’t quite grasp what it does really mean unless we were to consult a Medium or Clairvoyant,

Also dreaming of Animals can usually be linked to instinct to keep going, one of the most common ones is being chased almost always means you are under pressure,

Dreaming of Death can mean you are wanting a new beginning the spirit world often come into your dreams to give you that vital message and often than not we can’t quite grasp what it means, this is when we consult a advisor Medium Clairvoyant,

I am not sure about telepathy as I believe when we sleep or the body sleeps we all go astral travelling on to the astral plain and can have multiple experiences.




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