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Guest Blogger

What Is Holistic Well Being?

The am of Holistic Well-being is to bring solutions and healing through rebalancing and harmonising our relationship with ourselves and those we interact with; our environment and our spirituality

“....Shamans see that illness comes from living a life that is 
out of balance and disharmonious…”  Sandra Ingerman, Shamanic teacher
So... what is the definition of holistic wellness?
Wellness is the condition of being in optimum health. It is a holistic blend of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being--the result of consciously choosing to live a quality life. The path of natural health and wellness is a life-long journey that requires personal responsibility and commitment.

What is the meaning of holistic health?
Holistic emphasizes the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts. It is the recognition that what affects one part or system affects the whole body. A holistic approach to health is multi-faceted and mindful of the consequences of our habits and actions. 

Your health is related to your lifestyle and your environment... what you eat and drink; what you think and feel; how you exercise your body; what toxins you're exposed to...The good news is that you have control over most of these factors and you can make choices that lead to vibrant health.

Yes, there are vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other nutraceuticals that will control certain symptoms. But if that's all we rely on, then it's not much better than choosing the allopathic route and taking drugs to suppress symptoms. You want to eliminate the cause of your imbalance with healthy lifestyle choices.

Go at your own pace, but keep moving toward your goal. Baby steps will get you there too. It may take you a month, a year, or longer to reach your reward .

Our next article covers the basics of achieving inner harmony by making a few small natural changes in our lifestyles 

Think about how much better you'll feel...more vibrant ~ more energetic ~ more alive!
Disclaimer:  This information  hopes to help you plan the journey, in a natural and holistic way. This  information is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  If you have any concerns about your health please see a medical doctor.

Holistic Well Being


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