Guest Speaker

Things That Go Bump In The Night


A lot of people I work with are often afraid of those things that go bump in the night. Every day more and more of us are working out that there is more to our world that what we can see and not all of these things come from the light.

Many people become more afraid of these things than they need to be. Hollywood has us freaking out over the smallest incidents as if that little shadow moving against the wall is going to devour our soul! No sweetheart that shadow is from the tree outside swaying in the wind.

The three things I point out to my clients is that:

a) The living is more powerful than the dead! This is generally why the naughty ones are around, attention and to “live” vicariously through another. Pfft sorry dead Barry - on your bike mate!

b) Good is more powerful than evil! Again, forget Hollywood! If they had it right then every single person on the planet, by now, would be either possessed or scratched to death in our sleep, please! Think of the Bible as an example. The Devil, Lucifer was once an angel of the Lord, also created by the Lord! Thus Evil was actually created from good. (overly simplified example here but will do the job) Everything needs balance but we are a world of light and shadows can always be banished back into the darkness.

Sage, salt water and white lighting and simply telling the naughty spirits causing you grief to leave will cover your backside most of the time and if the problem persists there are many out there ready to help.

c) Finally, don’t dabble or play around with things related to spirits (like Ouija boards) unless you know what you’re doing. It could take moments or years but these things do tend to come back to you. Best way to stay safe is to be safe!

Normally all of us have honest pure spirits of friends and family that have passed all around us. Call on them in times of need to help protect you from the bad ones and to help push the bad ones out.

Shine Bright!

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