Guest Speaker

Spring Clean And Manifest

Spring CleaningWith spring upon us, it’s the perfect time to let go of the old and bring in the new. They say a tidy house is a tidy mind and I couldn’t agree more.  A cluttered mind can not only block your intuition but prevent you from manifesting the life you want.  Setting an intention without first preparing is like planting a seed in rocky ground.  In order to manifest the best possible future we must first clear any past negativity or blocks.

External Clearance – Best performed during a waning moon

Start with the yuckiest area of your home. This could be the spare room or junk drawer. Recycle, Sell or give away any objects that you no longer love. If at any point during this process you feel the need to laugh or cry please do so openly. This can help clear emotional blocks.

Once you feel your home is de-cluttered and clean, open all the windows and doors. Walk around each room with either a white rose incense stick or a sage smudge stick. Remember to carry something to catch the ashes. Ringing a bell will also help break up any negative energy and as you are doing this chant ‘I banish the negative energy from this house and invite in love and light’

With this complete the energy in your home will feel lighter. Fill your space with items you love and symbolise things you want to attract into your life.  For more information about Law of attraction and getting rid of negative energy please feel free to call me.

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