Guest Speaker

Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakenings seem to be happening to the majority of people these days the further they progress in life. It is a natural product of our soul's evolution, expansion, and maturity. It seems that very few people have fully grasped the complexity of its meaning.

Just as everything in life, our connection with our souls grow too; the more we connect to our souls, the more we come to be unified and become stronger, the more we come to understand the meaning of pure and lasting joy, peace, fulfilment, freedom, and true love.

A spiritual awakening process can throw us off balance. As well as making us feel as if we have lost all sense of direction, it can come like a thief in the night, sudden and unexpected. It can feel as if we are sucked into a black hole which is quite dark, confusing, and disturbing at first, yet it will ultimately allow us to live a more fulfilling and fascinating life. Perhaps one day we feel as if life as we know it is all but an illusion, that nothing around us makes sense. Our beliefs, desires, and notions are suddenly challenged and often disproven and we are shaken to our very core. We tend to go through an existential crisis. We suddenly feel lost. 

This is traumatic, but a necessary part of your expansion. Spiritual awakening is an uncomfortable stage which I believe we will all go through at some stage of lives, but once it completes its process, it is a truly rewarding experience.

Thanks for reading.

MysticJ - 600671

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