Guest Speaker

Past Lives And Soul Mates

Past Lives And Soul Mates: Do They Affect Our Current Life?

Do we have past lives and do we reconnect with the souls we shared those lives with now?

Absolutely we do

Have you ever met someone that you feel you know already, that you have a deep connection with despite only knowing them for such a short period of time? It can be instant or form very quickly, like you are picking up from where you left off.

Souls who connect deeply continue to meet up in future lives. Those are our significant bonds. They can be romantic, familial, friendships or something else entirely. Some we only reunite with briefly in this life, to complete a karmic event with or learn a lesson. Others we are destined to marry, or parent or have significant friendships with.

Soul mates are not always easy relationships, often they can be complex. Some are a joy and bring love and all the good things imaginable, while others can actually be the opposite.

It’s important to understand the connection you have and the destiny that is at play.

That’s where past lives come in. Sometimes we need to “balance the karmic scales” through experiences, to finish some relationships or to continue with others in a positive way.

Having that soul connection is never an excuse to tolerate abuse though. The lesson may be that you need to free yourself from that person in this life where you couldn’t in a past life.

Understanding the past life you have shared with someone can shine a light on your current relationship and the dynamics at play. It can help you to deepen the positive bond you have or understand why it is not a healthy one.

Past lives fascinate me, as do soul connections. In my own life, I pick up on these connections and often get visions of those shared past lives as soon as I meet someone who I have that connection with.

I have also done many readings for others where the past life connections they have shared with others comes up and it gives them a deeper insight and understanding into their relationship.

You may also feel a strong pull to a country or culture that you may have never even visited in this life and yet you feel a kinship or feeling of home and familiarity with. Past life hobbies and careers also affect you in this life. We store all of these experiences within our soul’s memory, deep down.

It’s a fascinating topic and one I am always happy to tune in to. Thank you for reading.

Sarah P – PIN 600545

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