Guest Speaker

Ornithomancy - Bird Divination Part 2

Divination of these mythical creatures consists of 3 abilities: Reading their actions, reading their colours and reading their individual species. When you have mastered these you can begin to read your everyday life with Ornithomancy.


In this post we will study Colour.


Red - A sign of luck or a male that is now in spirit that offer protection

Orange - Excitement and bliss 

Yellow - Warning to stay guarded around friends

Green - Adventure ahead, new prosperity

Blue - Love and joy 

White - Happiness and joy, very positive 

Grey - Peace, calm & contentment 

Black and white - You will successfully avoid trouble. It can also represent a happy home! 

Brown - Healing and good health

Black - showing of the unseen, mystery 


Please feel free to book a reading for any colour combinations I haven’t mentioned that you are curious about!


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