James1976 - PIN 500932 - Currently Unavailable

My Spiritual Experiences

My Spiritual Experiences

I first realised I could read tarot cards back in 2004. I read for a few people including one of my friends and the predictions that came up in the cards actually happened which I was really happy about. I didn't actually start tarot reading properly until late 2015. I started doing one to one readings for people which I really enjoy as you get to meet really interesting people from all walks of life.

Tarot reading and psychic abilities run in my family on the women's side for several generations. My grandmother in particular was very much in tune and she could actually read tea leaves. I am happy I have developed the ability as I love helping people, not just reading for them but also encouraging people to aim for their goals. People can expect an honest reading from me as well which is very important. I have always believed in spiritual things, even from a young age. I am very happy that I can help and guide people. I love getting told when predictions happen as well, it really makes me feel happy and proud that things are turning out well for people. I love what I do.

Aside from psychic and tarot readings, I’ve had a number of experiences with spirits. The most interesting psychic experience I have had was at Grace Dieu, a ruined monastery in Leicestershire. I felt two male spirits, one named John Littlewood and another spirit which was very controlling, not a nice spirit. I felt angry with the spirit as it was holding John Littlewood from moving to the light. The psychic team I was with helped him move into the light and although I am not a medium myself I really felt like I helped and I was happy the soul had moved on.

I had another spiritual experience when visiting Kirkby Muxloe Castle in Leicestershire with family. Unfortunately this time it was not a pleasant one. I went into a certain part of the castle and suddenly felt very sad, drained and unwell. I just had to get out. I felt a Male spirit and whilst walking past the castle’s moat in the grounds I felt a man in chains come out of the water. Although I never actually saw the spirit, I definitely felt it’s presence and I can honestly say that castle is not a place I plan to go back and visit anytime soon. Still, it was an experience and life itself is an education.

Sometimes when I was younger, I used to smell cigarettes, which I took to be a sign of spirit activity. None of us in the family smoke, but my Grandmother on my Dads side did and I feel she is around sometimes. She was a very strong lady so I know she will be around when needed.

Thank you for reading,

James1976 – PIN 500932

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