Guest Speaker

My Approach To The Tarot

The Tarot has always been a very positive instrument for shining insight into the experiences of life's trials and understanding of why we go through certain cycles and patterns.  Within a set of cards there holds a vast potential of creative explanations for the reader to enable the querent to really explore themselves deeply, looking into emotions or why a certain circumstance may be taking place in one's life.

There are also people who may need the Tarot to provide guidance, a way forward and to help look at the options choosing what is felt to be the most empowering choice.  Whenever I read for any one, however negative or stuck they seem to be, I make sure I do not catch that frequency and collude with their current situation, but remain open to the bigger picture and offer insight that is available. This encourages the querent to become empowered, and leave victim mode behind, though within this whole process I never ignore the feelings that are being experienced and expressed as they are valuable and necessary for one's own unique guidance system.

The way I approach Tarot and the way they speak to me has been very interesting and an important lesson in listening to intuition and not relying on books or how any one else reads the cards. I was given a set of cards as a teenager; they felt very familiar like an extension of me. I closed my eyes and picked a card asking a question.  I read the interpretation from the book that was included with the set of cards I had and yet it seemed limiting as if something was missing only half the story was there.  One day I picked a card and the cat was asleep on top of the Tarot book! I didn't want to disturb her so I just gazed at the card it was one I hadn’t picked up before.  Suddenly images, colours feelings and unusual sensations arose vividly.  The experience felt very genuine and only happened when I chose a card.  This happened when I began to read for others and I received a lot of positive feedback.

This is the way I prefer to work as it feels creative and each moment of each reading is totally different. There are of course common themes for people but the information that comes through seems to be very individual and always encourages a broader perspective.

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