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Lunar Eclipse

8th October 2014

Lunar Eclipse

In my last piece about the October 2014 sky, I briefly mentioned the eclipses. Occurring in pairs, an eclipse of the moon or the sun symbolises endings and beginnings.

The lunar eclipse today, 8th October 2014, occurs at 15 Aries.  If you have a planet at between 12-18 degrees of a cardinal sign, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, then this is going to be an important time for you.  Even if you are not one of these signs, you can still benefit because this energy is universal and can be used by anyone who is conscious of it.

Lunar eclipses are about releasing and letting go.  Occurring across the Aries/Libra axis, this eclipse asks us to examine the “me versus we” dilemma in whatever area of our life these signs fall.  To get the most from this time, think about this question: Do I want to be right or do I want to be happy?

Letting go of the need to be right (Aries) will move you towards being happy in relationships (Libra). 

I am not suggesting that you give up having your own needs met in a relationship, far from it. But sometimes we blame others for issues that we are not taking full responsibility for in our own lives. The blame game!  It’s a delicate balancing of the Libra scales, allowing the other person to love us in the way that they are able to.  And for us to accept that love unconditionally without complaining that they don’t love us in the way that we expect.

So today and in the coming weeks, let go of your own need to be right, and try to look at things from the other person’s point of view.  Step into their shoes; see through their eyes; feel through their heart.  You will gain the ability to handle other people peacefully while losing the competitiveness that is so harmful to happiness.

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