Guest Speaker


Your Intuition:

Did you ever think about someone that you have not saw in ages then, you see them in the next few days?
Has the phone ever rang and you say to yourself that probably is!”” then you answer it and it is who you are thinking about?

Or lifted your mobile to check messages and someone calls or texts?

This is your intuition or, as sometimes known as your gut feeling. This is the natural reflex that we are all born with. A sense, that is in place to guide us through many difficult situations in life.

When you are unsure, stop and check what this gut reaction is trying to tell you then, follow this. Have you ever had an experience where you felt, oh! I better not do that or go there and felt a butterfly feeling at the top of your stomach but went against the feeling. Then when things didn’t work out realised that you should have followed your first instinct.
However it is good to remember that short term failure is also part of success as they are opportunities waiting to be turned around.


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