Guest Speaker

Happy Endings - A True Account Of A Reading

I have been doing readings for many a year for a female client of mine, let us call her X for namesake.  I have been X’s Spiritual Adviser for sometime now over 10 years or more and she has become one of my many regular clients. I have been able to connect with both her mother and her father who had recently past over to spirit. X had trained to be a teacher and her mother was very proud of her achievements. X was a very gifted teacher indeed. Her teaching helped her pupils overcome adversity and they did her proud.

The past couple of years X felt she needed a change from being at the school. Her late mother and father came through to her in readings telling her that she will hand in her notice before the end of Easter term, advising X that she was going through a transition of change and would be starting a new teaching role at a location described by her father. X was starting to get really despondent as the time frame to get notice in was getting smaller. I told her to hang in there as it the readings were so vivid that the change going to happen.

To my astonishment on a Sunday lunchtime I got a call from X saying that she had been offered a new teaching post in the area and school her late parents had told her about. She was over the moon and very grateful. X starts her new job after the summer holiday break. I am so happy that I have been able to connect with her and her loved ones and give her clarity and validations. It has touched my heart in so many ways.

The moral of this story is to never lose sight of loved ones when they pass over to the realms of spirit as they are still able to give you the gifts of hope and guidance. They are only a thought away.

Now that X’s job situation has materialised she is now embarking on a new chapter and journey in her life. Hopefully everything will start to fall into place. X knows that we are just a phone call away and I am sure she will update me next time she wants to connect to her loved ones.

I hope you will be guided to give me a call. My pin number is Manda - 500813. Let me connect with my spirit guides and your loved ones to give you the clarity you need.

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