Guest Speaker

Girl's Best Friend

So I've got this cold/lurgi that's doing the rounds and really felt the need to get out in the fresh air to nip it in the bud.  
As I was getting ready to take our dog out for a walk and feeling pretty rough, I said to her (ok, fellow pet owners will know and understand that yes we do speak to them!) "Ok, you better behave, I need to you to look after me and help me, I'm not well" She's a really cheeky, loving, playful soul and being a pisces gets quite lost in her own world and doesn't always respond, lol.  
Anyway we make it out and I'm really feeling quite tired so decide to sit down and let her have a good run around so at least she has a good time outdoors.  What does she do?  She jumps up on the bench and sits next to me and looks at me!  Heartmelt moment.   So.  She did look after me and did help me, what a great friend.
Girl's best friend -  Diamonds, dogs or both?!

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