Rosemarie - PIN 500621 - Currently Unavailable

Crystal Gazing

Crystal gazing

Crystal gazing is the use of a crystal to gain psychic information.  Traditionally the crystal ball came from the Romany people, but psychic sense belongs to everyone.  The tradition of the crystal ball with the Romany people dates back over a 1000 years.   All my life I have been in the presence of crystals and worked with the crystal ball.  It is an alternative reading and during a Romany reading with the crystal ball you can make a wish or set an intent because for the Romany people the crystal is a magical tool for manifestation.  Many wishes have come true, but stronger than a wish is your true path.  The crystal can guide you to where you need to be.

Crystal gazing is for everyone, all you need is a clear quartz crystal.  You can sit and meditate with your crystal but you can also sit and gaze through the crystal and what happens is contrary to belief!  The vibration of you holding the crystal and you freeing up your mind, results in the information or picture bouncing to your third eye.  It may come in small tiny messages, just one word or it may come in images.  But if you concentrate for long enough and practise regularly you will have a flow of images that can form a pattern of information and this is you using your own psychic ability.

Wishing you all well

Rosemarie x


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