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Colour - Quick Colour Meditation

21st July 2017

I would like to share a quick secret with you… you don’t have to sit and say ommm for half an hour a day to meditate.
Many people I read for say that they would love to meditate but they don’t have time. This is true we all have extremely busy lives! However the benefits of meditation make it so worthwhile. Here is an idea which helps you to meditate, use colour to enrich that meditation and not to have to allocate any special time to it. This a really quick and easy thing that any of us can do very easily. You can adapt it in any way to suit you, there is no right or wrong here the important this is that it gives few minutes each day to focus entirely on ourselves.

We all need to shower each day, so when you take your shower try this … as you stand under the water imagine the water changing colour, you can choose one to suit how you are feeling or what you feel you need in terms of energy to help you through the day.

Imagine the coloured water bathing you, covering you, protecting and cleansing you as it flows over you. Washing away any stress and negative energy down the drain and just leaving you’re glowing with the colour you have chosen. Just in few minutes it takes to allow that energy to flow you can find it makes a real difference to your day.
I most frequently use either white for cleansing and protection or blue for calming but some other you can use are:
Gold for protection and abundance
Pink for gentleness and love
Turquoise for communication and speaking your truth
Green for growth and abundance
Orange for energy
Indigo for intuition and psychic ability

These are just a few ideas there are lots more colours you can use, or why not visualise the shower as rainbow colours and use them all for a really magical energy!

I love to work with colour and I have a colour deck that I use, so if you would like me to include it in a reading that I do for you please just ask.

Have a colourful day!
Crystal x


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