Cleansing the Crown Chakra
We have 7 chakras and all of them can be affected by our day to day lives. The food we eat, the things we do and the people we are around; all can affect our chakra balance. This is why it is important at times to cleanse our chakras.
The Crown chakra is right at the top and when open and balanced, it sends universal energy through to our other 6 chakras. There are many ways of cleansing your chakras, but I am going to show you how to use your crown chakra to help with them all.
Firstly, make sure you have a glass of water and maybe a quick snack for afterwards as this will help to ground you. Now, I want you to stand comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine that you are stood beneath both the sun and the moon and that you are bathed in both the beautiful white rays of femininity and the beautiful golden rays of masculinity. You are going to take a deep breath in and raise your hands above your head. One hand is reaching towards the sun and the other towards the moon.
Feel the rays of the sun and the moon travel through your veins. As they do, focus on your chakras. Imagine that your crown chakra is open and feel the vital life forces from the sun and moon fill it. Feel these forces slowly spreading down through your chakras. Your body is glowing with positive energy.
Now tell yourself;
I release any negative attachments
I am at one with the universes energy
I am cleansed
This should only take you about 5 or 10 minutes. Try and spend the day eating healthily if you can. Be sure to keep well hydrated and make sure you give yourself plenty of rest tonight.
Kind Regards
Amelia Mai - 600861
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