Guest Speaker

Can You Make Your Dreams Come True?

Can You Make Your Dreams Come True?

Can you make your dreams come true? Yes, you can.  

You see, it's all about believing in something. Believe that you can be someone, or do something. Dream it, and then believe in it.

Here are a few ideas on what you should do to manifest your life into the life you want it to be. Dream big and get what you want out of your life. Utilize your thoughts to make your life better. It’s time to start turning your life around.

  • Have a reading. It’s a great way to begin opening yourself up and manifesting. It can be an introduction to the universe of ideas, life path, desire and success. Not everybody knows exactly what they want in life, but a reading can be a great start.
  • Think about what you want to do with your life. What job do you want to succeed in? Say aloud “I want to be a writer” and you will have made the first step towards becoming one. Believe in it and dream about it. It will manifest in our universe if you truly believe it will happen.
  • Once you believe in something enough, an opportunity will come your way and you will need to act on it. It might be that you will come across a website you could write for or a job vacancy online. Act on this! Do not leave it. It has come your way because you have wanted this to happen.
  • As soon as you have acted on it, believe you will get what you want. Dream or envision yourself in that job or doing whatever that thing that came your way was. Always act on what comes your way if it's the thing that you have dreamed of.
  • Phrasing your thoughts is important. Never say 'I don't want to be....'  Always say 'I want to be...'  It will let the universe know what you want. Never be negative in your life. Always be positive in what you do. Never think can’t do it, because the universe will think that you can't do it as well.
  • Whatever you think or say will have a big effect on your life. So, if you want something, be positive about it and be certain in your mind that you can get it. Always have faith that it will happen. In other words, do not let anything depress you, as it will be your downfall.

These things will help you create the life you want. Follow these ideas and you will have a great happy life ahead of you. Believe in this, it really does work! 

Val - PIN 600542

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