Guest Speaker

Book Week: Zoetic Soul

Zoetic Soul - CoverZoetic Soul

Pertaining to Live, Your Life.

Sort out your life! Real life experiences from the Author with channelled information to empower and change your thought processes to enable that life you have always wanted. Slowly is the key.

As you read Zoetic Soul, goose-bump reactions that resonate with the dialogue and Jan’s life experiences will begin to open your thoughts revealing your soul’s reactive patterns. You will understand how to:

  • Initiate proactive changes that will turn your life’s story from one of struggle and sacrifice to one of fulfilment
  • Make mindful decisions instead of reacting automatically based on past experiences and conditioning

Zoetic Soul’s intentions are to empower mind changes which enable life changes potentiating your soul’s passion to create your own rightful miraculous adventure!

Five-star reviews on Amazon! They say… “Fantastic book beautifully written.” “A life changing experience.” “I had to read it twice!”

Stocked in Taproot bookstore, Worcester, Massachusetts USA

Placed alongside Eckhart Tolle in the top five spiritual books of 2017 by Soul and Spirit Magazine

Enjoy change in your life now!

Paperback and Kindle version available here.

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