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Book Week: Two Ends Of The Spectrum

11th July 2018


SO Not Like The Advert - CoverSO Not Like The Advert!

Before signing up for, eharmony, Plenty of Fish or any of the other sites there’s a new must-read book to surviving the pitfalls on online dating.  Amber Jane Stockbridge’s highly revealing book lifts the lid on the chancers, the cheats and the occasional champions you can expect to find while browsing some of the UK’s most-used dating sites.

Her online adventures have proved a must-read with SO Not Like the Advert! reaching the top five in Amazon’s romance charts. This book is an enlightening journey into a world where thousands of singles attempt to find Mr and Mrs Right every day. At times frightening, and at others hilarious, Amber Jane’s up-and-down year of online dating is proving a hit with readers.

Amber Jane says “I want to let women know of the dangers and pitfalls of online dating." and “Sometimes we forget that the person on the other end of the computer isn't always as honest as ourselves or who they say they are!”

Paperback and Kindle formats of SO Not Like the Advert! are both available by clicking here.


Jacqueline's Diary - CoverJacqueline’s Diary

The 53-year-old secretary from London survived a lengthy battle with the disease almost a decade ago. Her touching, yet humorous, diaries from throughout her treatments were turned into Jacqueline’s Diary.

“It was borne out of really tragic circumstances, but I managed to come through that, write the book and get it published… that is a major achievement considering I nearly died three times in one month. The moving account of fighting cancer is already proving inspirational to readers.

Jacqueline continued: “The message I want to send out to people with cancer is that it doesn't have to be a death sentence. People do come through it and live a life." Jacqueline's Diary also has a lot of practical information that may help people. “Cancer makes you take a good hard look at yourself, it’s a life changer.”

Since the publication of Jacqueline’s Diary is has attracted five-star reader reviews. Paperback and Kindle formats of Jacqueline’s Diary are both available by clicking here.

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