Guest Speaker

Beat the January Blues with Meditation

Meditation has been used for a very long time and comes from Ancient Vedic times from India. It has become popular with the western world as a way of relaxation as it has been proven to have many health benefits. There are various types of meditations: some sound, visualization, contemplation, concentration, or movement meditative exercises such as yoga.

All of these will give you different insight. I encourage you to join yoga classes and groups to meet new people. It is a tool that spiritual mediums and clairvoyants use regularly to enhance our spiritual journeys that we may take in our learning and thirst for knowledge.

Some benefits include reducing anxiety, helping you to be more creative, improving patience, enhancing presence stressful, self-awareness and improved sleep quality. Things like chakra balancing and healing can all be achieved through meditation and self-empowerment, self-confidence and self-awareness would all benefit from guided meditation.

If you have a problem, quiet down your mind. Those of us who have meditated for years know the beautiful images we have seen and the knowledge we have learned through our self-empowerment in meditations. It is the trick to life's little battles. Meditation, in no way, can replace medication or a doctor’s advice, however meditation is highly encouraged for those who suffer from stress.


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