Shelly - PIN 600333 - Next Due: Today @ 05:00 (EST)

Are You Psychic?

Are You Psychic?

The simple answer is yes. We all have the ability to sense things. Have you ever ‘felt’ something was wrong or walked into a room and the energy was off? Ever had that ‘gut feeling’ about something and it turned out right? Then you were using your own psychic abilities. 

Traditionally there are 5 schools of psychic ability; however I believe there are 7.

  1. Clairvoyance: This is the one that means ‘Clear Seeing’. We get mental flashes of things. There will be colours, people, and objects. It’s a little like watching a film. This is the one that most will have heard of.
  2. Clairaudience: Or ‘Clear Hearing’. All mediums will have this but not all psychics will have this. Many people don’t realise, but not all psychics are mediums, although all mediums are psychics! The voices do not have to be heard in the ear, they can be heard in the head and sometimes there is more than one voice passing messages through.
  3. Clairsentience: Or ‘Clear Sensing’. I would suggest this is the one that most people use on a daily basis. This is your gut instinct, that inner feeling that something is off, something is good, something is about to happen and so on.
  4. Clairalience: Or ‘Clear Smelling’. On the occasion I’ve experienced clairalience the smells have been overpowering but have lasted only for seconds, but everyone experiences things differently. I find that I get a psychic scent of flowers on a regular basis, but I also smell smoke, foods, aftershave/perfumes, nearly any smell at all. Fortunately, I have never had a smell come through from spirit that is too unpleasant!
  5. Clairgustance: Or ‘Clear Tasting’. The ability to have taste sensations. Again, I thankfully have only ever had pleasant food tastes given to me, but it is odd when in a reading and I taste tonight’s dinner before cooked. Not that it happens often only when it is needed to.
  6. Clairangency: Or ‘Clear Touching’, otherwise known as psychometry. This means touching objects and getting feelings, emotions or visions.
  7. Empath:  The feeling of others emotions, the sensing of others emotions, we use this all the time when we ‘read a room’, when we comfort someone who is in pain, we feel that pain and give comfort.

Some psychics will have all gifts, some several, but almost all will have at least one.

Ask yourself this. Have you ever thought of someone, or someone has popped into your head totally randomly and the next thing you know they have called you or you have bumped into them?  That is your psychic ability. Have you ever known immediately when the phone rings who it is (without checking caller ID … that’s cheating!) … that is your psychic ability. Ever known in difficult situations that things are just going to be okay and will work out … a sort of calm-knowing? That is your psychic ability.

Stay safe and take care


Shelly - 600333

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