What does Aquarius season mean for you?
We are in the middle of Aquarius season, January 20th to February 18th. We are hopefully all exhausted physically and emotionally from striving for our goals during Capricorn season, but now it's time to get pragmatism out of the way and make room for eccentricity!
Each sign expands on and reacts to the sign that preceded it, and Aquarius reacts to Capricorn's focus on pragmatism and ambition by giving us consent to think about the future in a fun and alternate manner. As opposed to urging us to concentrate on difficult work, accomplishments, and material triumphs, Aquarius urges us to get creative, defiant, and idealistic.
We're in a new year and you've surely set yourself some goals, but Aquarius season is about giving back and approaching life with an open heart. Aquarius is an air sign, that of intellect, and it's about adequate communication. Time to network with your community and connect deeply with others. What does your local community need from you? How are your friendships doing? Are there people in the workplace you value highly and should foster a friendship with? As a fixed sign, Aquarius season can bring out our inner stubborn mentality; just remember to override that with an open mind to let the communicative ability of this season flow through you.
On Tuesday the 4th of February we also have the Aquarius New Moon, which brings winds of change. This new moon will trigger a release of creative passions, so get manifesting and get expressing! Now is the time to be motivated to communicate your ideas.
Aquarius season has shown up, and it's here to bring a breath of fresh air, empowering a creative mind once again into your days, and some all out blissful oddness over into the world.
Sagan - PIN 500936
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