Guest Speaker

Acting on your ideas

Ever had what you thought was a good idea, but then dismissed it as not being good enough, or important, or you think it won't work out? At times like this you are being your own worst enemy. Try not to be too harsh a judge on yourself, listen to your dreams and intuition.

Do you put things off, waiting for the right time? What if the right time never comes, what opportunities could you have lost? The time for procrastinating is over; the time for acting is here. Just wanting something to happen won't make it happen; you have to put time and effort into it, but then the results can be so worth it.

If you see an opportunity, try to take advantage of it. People aren't going to hand things to you on a plate, but they may well offer you a chance to make something of yourself and your ideas. Be inspired by your dreams and act on them when you can, otherwise life may just pass you by.

Listen to your intuition. Do you keep seeing signs that point you in a certain direction, even though at present you're travelling on a different path? What does the other direction look like, is it something you would like to try? Explore your options and you may be surprised at what you find. What you previously thought was impossible for you to achieve May well be within your grasp. You'll never know if you don't do it.

When everything seems to start falling into place, when you can't imagine things being any other way, and wonder why you didn't do this earlier, that is when you know this has been worth putting your effort into. You may need to convince other people to start with that what you're doing makes sense, but at the end of the day it is you who are doing it, not them. Once they see your idea come into fruition they'll understand why you followed this path. One step in front of the other, getting closer to your dreams really can be possible if you listen to your gut feelings and try to follow them.



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