Janette - PIN 600242 - Currently Unavailable

How To Live In The Flow

Living in "The Flow"

We as human beings tend to try and control all aspects of our lives. Often we hit road blocks and experience frustration. But there is a magical way of navigating life and finding your soul’s purpose.  It's called living in the flow. With this comes signs and synchronicity.

Synchronicity is a concept first introduced by psychologist Carl Jung which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related. During his career Jung furnished several different definitions of it.

Over the years the evidence has shown that the Universe communicates with us through signs and coincidences. For example Angel numbers, which are repeating number sequences (such as 11.11 333 444 etc) have specific messages from higher beings.

If we ask the Universe an answer to a specific problem it will answer. For example David wondered if he should continue his relationship. The Universe sent his partners name repeatedly over the TV in adverts...on bill boards. He heard their favourite song and through supposedly random ways was guided to stay. Equally the Universe could have guided him to let go as someone better was coming into his life. This phenomenon exists daily and can be utilised by anyone for guidance. It’s not just about relationships; interpreting “The Flow” can be used for any kind of issue and also for your life plan.

Instead of pushing hard sometimes we need to let the Universe take over and guide us. This is “The Flow.” Look for synchronicity and signs, they are there to guide us in the right direction and often lead to more fulfilling careers and relationships.

Thank you for reading.

Janette – PIN 600242

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