How long have you been giving readings for?
I started about 4 years ago, after going through a traumatic loss, which catapulted me to learn and train how to reach the other side in search of answers.
What advice would you give to those customers contemplating their first reading?
I say do it! Many people are often sceptical which is understandable, however there are "real readers" out there! Give one of us a chance (hopefully myself hehe) and I promise you won't let down!
What do you do for fun outside of psychic readings?
Outside of doing readings, I enjoy dancing, listening to music, singing and crafting both physical and digital products. Also, helping others heal through various shadow work techniques are another passion of mine.
What prompted you to start giving readings?
I always heard a voice in my head, telling me tid bits of advice about others and I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Until one day, I discovered it was my guides giving me advice about the person I was in contact with. Once discovered, I used these "voices" to help others and promote my spiritual skills.
What spiritual skills do you have?
I have clairvoyance, I also hear messages from spirit in my third eye region (sounds like my voice but in reality it's my guides), I use divination tools to assist me in helping others, I can also feel energy changes and what I call "sympathetic pains" from others, indicating to me where they are hurting and what needs to be healed on them.
What tools do you use within your readings?
In my readings I use my tarot cards, my guidance from ancestors and spirit team, my third eye messages from the other side that help me and also occasionally natural herbs to help heal and cleanse my palette. More importantly the use of my naturally guided intuition which allows me to know the answer or hear a response from one of my clients spirit guides, before they even ask the question or answer depending on where we are in the reading.
What’s your most memorable psychic experience?
One time, randomly, I heard a thought in my head. I heard "Someone is gonna die!" and it freaked me out, but then I asked who and heard "An ssss name" Two days later, my partners grandmother passed away. Guess what her name was: Sue! I have premonition alerts is what I call them, kind of warning me about who is about to pass.
When did you discover your gifts?
About 4 years ago, when I experienced a very traumatic loss. It made me want to reach out to the other side to get answers or help those out who need it.
Why should a client choose you for their psychic reading?
I feel as though I can provide a honest, trustworthy and high morale to those in need. Any advice comes from a place of love and light.
Are you typical of your star sign? If so, how?
Yea I am, as a Pisces I'm very intuitive and empathic as well. I can read people without even using my cards. Spiritual insights and gifts come naturally to me.